Friday, April 20, 2012

When All Our Tears Have Reached The Sea;-

Part of you will live in me,
Way down deep inside my heart.
The days keep coming without fail.
A new wind is gonna find yourself,
That's where your journey starts.

I told my dad last night that I can't wait until my ex and I can be friends again. I told him felt so weird not being able to talk to the guy that was my very best friend for so many years.  I told my mom today at dinner how much I missed my ex and how I cry about it all the time.  She knows that I can listen to certain songs and just burst into tears and today I had it on a sad song in the car and she said, "You know that doesn't help you." I don't get it. I am a very strong person and I can stay so stable in so many situations, but with this, it's like I am so vulnerable.  I wish I knew what was going on.  Like they say though, God has a plan and a reason for everything.  I just wish I knew his reasoning for all this pain I'm going through.

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